Ovulation after miscarriage

Cynthia • 20, engaged and ttc.
I started bleeding March 7th. Passed some clots March 9th at like 2 am. Bled for 2 more days. That Friday my hcg levels were checked and they were 6.9. I had some cramps in my hips for 2 days the day if the doctor appointment and the day before. Idk what it was never felt it before. My question is could I have ovulated sooner then I usually would have after the miscarriage ? According to glow this is my fertile week but it's off due to I miscarried a week after my period would a started. So really I guess I would be ovulating tomorrow. But I haven't had a single positive ovulation test. Not even close. Almost couldn't even see the line at all. I did however have extra cervical mucus about a week ago I think. I had white cervical mucus a few days ago to. I do not have an increase in cervical mucus right now even though it's supposed to be my fertile week. Idk what's going on. Any advice is welcomed.