What Should I Do???

So my husband and I recently got married (4 months) and decided we were going to get pregnant. We didn't want to track anything at first and after two months we conceived! I was extremely excited and shared the news with one of my girlfriends but made sure to mention to keep it private considering this was my first ever pregnancy and the first weeks are the most dangerous. She said she was extremely happy for me and that her and her husband were going to start trying in August. 
Sadly I ended up having a miscarriage at 5 weeks and was completely devastated. I shared the news with her and at first she was supportive but then said that
 "maybe this is God telling you to wait to have children when you've been married longer so you can get to know your husband even better!" 
I was put off because she tried to tell me when I told her we were TTC that I should probably wait because I'm so young and newly married (I'm 21 and she's 30-my husband makes enough where I'm blessed I don't have to work so we have both the time and extra finances for a child)
I kinda brushed it off as her thinking she knew better because she was older...
THEN the next time I saw her in person-she said the same thing ( "maybe this is God telling you to wait to have children when you've been married longer so you can get to know your husband even better!" )
Except now she said it FOUR TIMES in one conversation and started saying January was to early for me to starting again.
I got a bit pissed off and she started to started to be able to tell and we went our separate ways.
I am a Christian as well, but that is something I would NEVER say to anyone and I DO NOT believe that it's true!!! 
My question is-Should I still be friends with her??