possibly pregnant.

So I'm scared and kinda nervous with responses. Just looking for advise or options. Anything would be helpful. Going on 4-5 days late. 
I don't know if it's possible. 
I was suppose to get my period on the 25th of this month, I haven't gotten it yet(I'm normally right on schedule) no spotting no nothing. Just a little cramping on and off. I took a test on Tuesday and it came back negative. (He never cums inside of me, ever)
He doesn't ever have any Precum when we start. Is it still possible? Or what.  
Please no negative comments.  
Thanks in advance!! 
Edit: forgot to mention. I have also been very nauseous throughout each Day since last Monday 
 I did a tracker and it says Im only 4 weeks and 4 days. So would it be too early for a test??