worst mom ever

My baby is 19 weeks (little over 4 months.) we've been going through sleep regression for about 2 weeks now and I'm losing my mind. Posting anonymously because I'm ashamed of myself. I yelled at my baby last night and it wasn't the first time within these 2 weeks. My husband works weird hours so I'm the one who gets up. Last night I was up 6 times and baby woke at 3am and would not go back to sleep. Napped for 10 min and fights it. As soon as I put him down he's up. I'm at my wits end. I'm exhausted and frustrated and don't know what else to do. He's too little to cry it out and nothing else I do works. We had a great routine and he was basically sleeping through the night waking maybe once. Now he can't even go back to sleep after waking. I am lost and I'm a FTM. I feel like the shittiest mom. I don't have many friends and our parents work so I can't ask someone to stay while I nap. I am almost 29 and should be able to deal with this myself but I'm at a loss. I feel like this is going to have to be my new normal but I'm miserable. I can't even enjoy him while he's awake because I'm exhausted and he's overtired . I just feel awful I yelled at him and I know he doesn't know better and he's a baby. Does this get better? I've read that sometimes regression is indefinite. We will end up hating each other if this is the case. I guess I just needed to vent.