Im so confused. My body hates me!


This is a novel, sorry. Just figured the more info the better.

My fiance and I have been TTC for almost 2 years. For starters i have PCOS. In July trying got put on hold BC I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer). I finished chemo at the end of this March. Was told to wait around 6 months before we started trying again, just to be on the safe side. So we figured around August we could start back up. The last week of May I had a check up with my Oncologist, during that visit, I got the news that it was back and had spread to my lungs. So I immediately had surgery to remove the tumors in my lungs. No chemo again thankfully, BC the tissue was cancer free around the tumors. Now getting to the point.... There's a chance they can continue to come back, but there's a chance they wont. My body went back to having normal periods starting in April, so gyno said its a good sign, but idk when I'm ovulating. My chances of getting pregnant are probably low due to the high dose chemo I endured, but my fiance and i want to start a family so much.. What would you do in my position?? I've read other's stories online. Some have chanced it and some waited. Also I have egg white CM during AF. Why? Am I ovulating then??