What's the funniest compliment your man has given you?


So my man and I went to the river to cool down from this heatwave!! He's not one for cold water or swimming for that matter 😂 me on the other hand, I'm a happy guppy In the water, cold or warm! So I was completely submerged in the water and my hun was only knees in and was freaking out about how cold the water was and he asks me "how can you even do that! It's so cold."

I'm like the best way I can describe it is when I make spaghetti and my spaghetti is boiling and ready to drain, and you know when I drain it and poor ice cold water on it? That's how it feels. Like your hot but them ice cold water hits you and you feel cool 🙌"

So as were about to leave and I'm like sitting on the shallow part of the river he says "you look like a hot string of noodle😍"

Girl, I died 😂