
Just diagnosed!!!

So I just had sugery on Wednesday so still feeling pretty crappy. I am how ever really pissed off as I have been complaining about nausea and pelvic pain and back pain and constipation for what feels like years. An ultrasound after ultrasound, test afrer test finding nothing. I never thought that they could all be connected. I even saw I gastroenterologist who after sugery diagnosed me with IBS but he didn't find anything. Makes me wonder if I really do or this just apart of endo? I always wanted to go into sugery and come out with a solution to  all my problems but now I just want a baby.

I never complained about my period but I have been on birth control ever since I got my period as I had really painful ones....

The only reason I have found out about it now is cause my husband and I have been TTC for 1year 5months and I was really concerned. My husband has perfect sperm. The second best our Doctor has ever seen. Which makes me feel worse like it's my fault if we don't fall pregnant. Doctor has already told my husband he would recommend more sugery but will find out more when we see him next... would love to know others stories and symptoms.