so insecure 😭

Girls, I just want to tell you all something. Y'all are cute asf!😻 and I truly mean that! I was just about to make a post about my insecurities but then I had a change of heart and decided to be positive instead😽. One of my insecurities is cellulite. I get it a little on my butt. It's not that noticeable but in certain lighting it seems worse. Now I was going to complain about that and rant about it but instead I realized that... my butt is cute!! That may sound weird but it's true! I don't care if I have little marks on my butt. I don't care if I have a small little roll under my butt on my thigh. It's called a banana roll I think? I love it! I've tried to get rid of it so bad and have strained my body doing various exercises and I've tried so many creams to get rid of the little marks on my butt, but for what? I love my body! And you should love yours too! I have seen girls with a chubby tummy and cellulite on there thighs and butt and not once have I ever thought less of that girl. Not once have I ever thought that she was gross or not goals or less than a "model". So why should anyone think less of me? They shouldn't! And it's crazy how beautiful you all are!! I love seeing you girls who aren't so called "perfect" because I love to admire you. All your little imperfections that make you perfect! I rather stare at girls that may have "too much" body fat or may have "too much" cellulite than a model who everyone thinks is "perfect". I admire you girls who aren't perfect, because nobody is. So many girls want to look like a model but why? Are they worried that a guy won't love them if they don't look like that? Are they afraid that they won't get attention if they're butt isn't perfectly right and round? Or if they don't have a six pack? Or maybe there thighs jiggle when they run. So what! If anyone who is reading this is insecure about they're body, I want you to try this. Ready? Put on the outfit that makes you feel good. Look in the mirror for a moment. Look at yourself and instead of asking how you look, ask yourself how you feel. Say "how do I feel?" If you feel good that's all that should matter. It's okay to want to make a change with your body and it's okay to exercise to the body you desire but all Im saying is don't pick at yourself because of your little insecurities. Overthinking and worrying about your insecurities is just going to hurt you mentally. Even if you don't look bad, if you feel like you do you will cause negetive energy and that's not appealing! If you mope around everywhere because you think you're "ugly" or because any reason, nobody is going to want to approach you. Life's too short to mope! People are attracted to positive people who are happy. Walk with confidence no matter what! It's okay to have bad days but a guy is going to choose a happy, positive, outgoing, amazing girl who had some "flaws" over a girl who may have a perfect ass but is probably a Bitch. Yes, you can have a good body and be a good person too but.. you get my point? I'm a real person and I'm telling you that you are so beautiful. Don't let anyone or yourself tell you different. That roll under your butt is gorgeous. Cellulite on your butt? Beautiful. Stretch marks? Fantastic. Chubby tummy? Stunning! "Love handles"? Amazing! Acne? Wrinkles? It's okay!😻 you are art! So beautiful. No matter what. What's the sense of being insecure? It only stresses you out! Use that energy to show off your beauty! I love you. 💘