

Ladies!!!! Im sorry for this long post.. Ugh im so frustrated. Ive been trying to get pregnant for about 3-4months. So backstory, my periods for the longest time have never been regular, they come when they want to. Sometimes they'll come on the same time but its always a hit or miss. So with my daughter i didnt realize i was pregnant till almost 4 months along because it didnt occur to me i was. It was my first, so the symptoms i was having, didnt pop in my head, ohhh hey your pregnant. So when i took the test it was a super fast positive!!

Well ive been trying for a couple months and its been upsetting getting negatives, but i do now these things take time for some people. Expecially when your irregular ect. Well the last 3 periods my periods have come within a week of when it was supposed to start. Well this month it hasnt come, im 3 days late from having it. Ive taken tests and they all have been negative, so im waiting till friday to take one more! But i am having symtoms,like sore breast, nipples. Im crampy but nothing to serious, ive had acid relfux the last two mornings, when ive never had it before not even when pregnant with my daughter. My appetite has definetly increased, my stomache has been all twisted. I just feel like im making my self feel pregnant.idk has anyone went through this before?? Also i spotted for 6 days, definetly wasnt constant and it was pink one day stopped for almost a while day, then brown, a lil pink, and then brown. Not alot, very lil. And i dont spot normally . So please help lol