Grace our sweet girl has been great on potty and leash training for about a week. No midnight to early morning accidents no pulling she's learning wonderfully. She no longer pees at the door when she tells us she needs to potty and can't hold it for one more minute. We've been working with her for about a month and a half now. She shreds everything when we leave from separation anxiety and the neighbors say she howls painfully the moment I leave until the moment I get back. We have a laundromat on site so I went down to drop a blanket she vomited on (choked on her bone) in the wash and I come back to my kitchen shredded. A five minute trip at most. She always sits proudly waiting on me and acts like a doll from the moment I walk in the door (she does talk back when I say no and put her in time out). She drops everything she shreds in my spot and it's usually only my stuff and none of her daddy's. She is severely claustrophobic and has cage anxiety because she was severely abused in a kennel meant for one dog. They have 3 other dogs shoved in there with her. The agreement with the shelter was never to use a kennel even though I know she would feel better with a safe place. I tried implementing the balcony but she shredded everything including the wood out there once I shut the door (I'm a major gardener). We tried tethering her in her area in the apartment but she shredded the "unbreakable" tether and then went on an even bigger rampage. She eats everything lethal to her and can open doors and climb cabinets and she always hunts down the wasp spray and cleaning chemicals no matter where I hide them. She ate her fathers male enhancement supplements that were in the back of the closet in a sex bag we have and the bedroom door and closet door were shut but she got them. She ate 4 apparently the medication was tested on dogs so it is completely dog friendly. Boo for animal testing but they tested it on dogs and cats and children apparently to make sure they wouldn't die from consumption so whatevs. Now she shits 4 times in a walk (nice solid poops) and we walk every two hours. I know she has to do more in the house but she always holds it like a sweet girl but her stomach just bothers her. This has been going on for two days. Now there is a shit smell that is somewhere in the apartment and it stinks up the whole joint. This has been going on for 4 days. We have checked every nook and crevice and she knows the command "show me where you went potty" so she usually takes me right to it but I say it and nobody can find it but everyone hates the smell. What is it? What do I do about all of these issues? I want a social life but I also want my stuff safe and I want her to feel safe and I would like an apartment that didn't smell like shit. How do I fix all of this?