thin uterine lining

Ashley • My husband and I have 2 beautiful, amazing kids! Currently TTC baby blessing #3!
We had our anatomy scan on Wednesday.. baby boy looks good! However they said my uterine lining is abnormal and very, very thin due to previous csection scaring. Where the scar is is the thinnest and can rupture at any time. I'm being referred to a high risk maternal fetal medicine doctor in Kansas City. I will deliver early its just a matter of when and how long my uterus will hold out. I'm only 20 weeks and hoping to make it as long as possible to give baby the best chance at survival. Has anyone had this or know of someone who has? I need some advice and any positive trhoguhts or anything really! I've googled a ton and am extremely nervous! I don't meet with my doctor until next week and still waiting on appointment time with high risk doctor.