Love kids, never wanted to be pregnant...😕 UPDATED**

So I'm 24 weeks pregnant now with my first boy! I never wanted to be pregnant though for several reasons. Don't get me wrong, I love kids and have always believed that I was made to be a Mother; I just always thought I would adopt. My reasonings for not wanting to be pregnant sound petty to some...but are very real for me. A big one, body dysmorphia. I've struggled with my overall appearance for a long time, despite what others tell me to be true. So the thought of my body becoming distorted by loose skin with stretch marks absolutely terrifies me! Other reasons are health concerns for my baby/pregnancy. I've always been afraid of the possibility of miscarriages, or stillbirths or any other major complication that can come with pregnancy. The amount of devastation that I'd know I'd feel if anything like that were to happen also terrifies me! Labor and delivery has always freaked me out too...I think this goes for most women though in that I'm terrified of the pain and possible complications. The other reasons are much more minute such as, I don't want the hemorrhoids, or the burning while I pee, or the leaky breasts. 
Here I am now...24 weeks pregnant and I really am so excited to meet my son. However, I keep periodically having these thoughts now that I'm in the "viable stage" that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he were born early. As long as he were healthy and everything would be okay....I'd almost rather him be born early just so I can be done being pregnant. I know this isn't the best way of thinking....but does that make me a terrible person and future Mother? ***I would never do anything in attempts to go into preterm labor!!! I will ride out this pregnancy as healthily as I possibly can and would never do anything to potentially harm my child!!***
Just a pregnant FTM struggling with hormones and some possible depression?
***No I don't actually want my son to be born premature. I understand and am fully aware of the risks and complications that come with premature birth and would never wish that upon any child or Mother. In the big picture, no, of course that's not what I want. However....I do get these awful overwhelming feelings and thoughts of wanting that --simply to be done with being pregnant-- Again, I realize it's selfish and it's wrong...but I can't seem to figure out how to turn them off for good. 
**I realize now that I misspoke in my title and it is has been edited.**