i'm scared

so i'm 17 years old and a little less than a month ago my boyfriend and i had sex (with protection) twice but in between the two he teased me with his tip. i bled about a week after for about 3 days. that was the 6-9th. now in 5 days late on my period. i'm cramping lighy, tender breasts, burping, and i'm dry down there. i'm honestly too terrified of the results to take a test, and it it comes out positive it's gonna be the hardest thing i've ever done to tell my mom. i'll need an abortion and i'm just not ready for the whole process but i'm just too scared to even test in fear of the results. should i wait a couple more days to see if i get my period? i forgot to mention that i used to take the pill, but i was inconsistent when we had sex, and i stopped taking the pill after we had sex because i don't get my period when i'm on the pill so i wanted to make sure i would get one this month.