Red shirt is what I am now. Blue shirt is where I started. PLEASE NONE OF THAT "OH YOURE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE YOU DONT NEED TO LOSE A POUND" BULLCRAP! I KNOW IM BEAUTIFUL BUT I WANT TO BE HEALTHY AND I WANT TO BE THIN. Please I want honesty and I want real advice. Okay so I eat really well. Usually a hard boiled egg and mango in the morning a can of tuna on a slice of bread with some tomatoes and a hard boiled egg for lunch and then either beef or chicken for supper with mashed potatoes (to finish carbs) and either peas broccoli or carrots. I drink a coke a day and a shit ton of coffee. I snack on either strawberries or broccoli throughout the day. I walk at 3am for about an hour I do yoga at 6am I do high intensity workouts for 2 hours around noon and then I take the dog out for a walk every 2 hours in between that and that usually lasts for about an hour. I have been doing this for 6 months maybe more and the scale says I am still at my starting weight of 245lbs and some weeks im 255lbs. I was a size 20 I'm now a size 16-18 and I'm 5'4 20 years old. Idk what I'm doing wrong and Idk why I'm not losing weight. I literally only used to lose weight when I was anorexic and I'm fighting everyday not to fall back into that. I keep convincing myself that im losing weight but then I do my monthly weigh in and it says I've either gained weight or am the same. No muscle does not weigh more than fat and you do not gain it at the same rate you lose fat. Starvation mode is a myth and I eat 1200cals a day. I drink 8 glasses of water a day. I sleep between 6-8 hours. I have insomnia so it isn't regular. I'm tired of seeing my body like this. I used to be 140lbs and a size 4 and now ever since my mirena I haven't had a period for 10 months and I've blown up to the size of a whale. What am I doing wrong!? Why am I not losing weight?! How much more weight do I need to lose?