Can dreams tell you if your pregnant?

Last night I had a dream, in my,dream I was pregnant,with my dads enemys sons baby (yes I think part of itmay have been a wet dream because there was full on sex but that's beside the point) in the dream I told my,brother I was pregnant, he somehow figured out who the father was and told my dad that I was preggo and who the father was he was furious so I ran away and,stayed that night with the people I babysit for, after that I ran away with the father and moved into an apartment with him during the pregnancy.,there was a glimpse into the future and I got married but only 2 of my family members were there flat the wedding(sis in law and other brother[not the one who told my dad])and the rest was my friends, his friends and his family, and,last our daughter. Could this mean in pregnant or is it something else?