Period is 2 Days Late...


Had unprotected sex -- 3 times -- on June 10th. We used the pull out method and I also took Plan B that day, but we then had sex a fourth time (maybe an hour or two after Plan B) and I'm a little iffy about his timing.

On June 15th, I noticed I was bleeding; a bright red, too heavy for "spotting" (I think) but not enough to resemble my regular period, which had just ended 2 days before we had sex and always lasts 6 days, about 3 weeks apart. The bleeding lasted 3 days.

This past week (June 25th - July 1st), I had sex (no condom) just about every day, including the day my period was meant to start (Friday).

I have felt/had no symptoms since the 10th aside from the unusual bleeding.

It's July 2nd and my period is now 2 days late. Am I pregnant, or is something else making me late?