What should i do with my baby daddy?

Raichii • Baby Miller 2/18/2018
So about 4 weeks ago i found out im pregnant im 7 weeks along as of today. The father and i have known eachother for a few years but only have been together for a few months. We decided we wont do abortion and he is against adoption but im still deciding if i do or not yet. The father is a wanna be thug that has no job other than dealing drugs, still needs his mom to do his meals wash his clothes remind him when to pay his car insurance and phone bill. But his mom and familu arent really better than him. They have unregistered stolen guns in and outta the house all sorts of drugs random strangers in and out. They nevet rent a house for more than a year. No 1 in the house has a job they live off the state and all are perfectly healthy to work ive seen all of them do heavy yard work all by them selves so theres no excuse that they shouldnt be working. His family wants me to move in with them but before they found out i was pregnant they were giving me death threats and telling me to never show my face aroumd them again. I think mainly bc i was teaching my bf at the time how to adult and fend for himself with out their negativity. But his family still disrespect me even afyer finding out im pregnant. I refuse to talk to or move in with them. And my 'boyfriend' is taking offense to it. I gave him a chance to get a job and he did within 2 weeks my bestfriend had put in a good word for him and he had his first day of work about 2 days ago. But they had told me he had left early and i recieved a call 30 min after the time he was suppose to show up the next day saying he wasnt there and when i try calling both his phones no answer no answer to texts and he would read my messages on fb but no answer. And a few hours after i messaged him he replied saying it was boring and he didnt have enough gas to go back and forth from work so he decided not to show up. So i told him we need a break and im giving him a full month to bettet himself for this baby or he wont be a major part or its life like a dad would. Hes lucky hed get every other weekend with his baby with how his self and household is. I just need advice on if im doing the right thing or what i should do.

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