BF... help?! I want to try... is it too late?

I’ve never breastfed my daughter (who is a week old tomorrow). I also did not breastfeed my oldest, who is a year old, next week! My family just doesn’t breastfeed... so I never considered it. Long story short, my newest addition, I can tell is dying to breastfeed. Constantly searching, and shows dissatisfaction with the bottle. I just got my supply in two days ago. I am scared to breastfeed because I don’t know how. I also don’t want to feel shame for BF and would like to supplement in front of friends and family, and BF my little one in private. Is this something that can be done? I didn’t feel the pressure to BF my first, because she wasn’t constantly searching for it. But I feel like this LO needs that bonding. Please help!