Induction birth story

Katie • 1st baby, due 2nd April 2015
I thought I would share my birth story, after 4 occurrencesof reduced movement and with having gestational diabetes we were induced at 37 + 5. I arrived at the hospital at 8:30am in the 17th March and had my waters broken as I was 3cm dilated  and put up on the hormone drip by 9:30, i reacted really quickly to the drip and started to contract. The contractions where coming think and fast, about 8 contractions in every 10 mins so my drink was turned down slightly as they didn't want me to progress to quickly and baby not to be moving down. I had a shot of pethidine and used gas and air, just after lunch time I was checked again and I was 7cm and still contracting well. By about 3pm I needed more pain relief and was given a shot of diamorphine and I was ready to start pushing!! My sweet little girl was born at 3:47pm weighing 7lb 4.5oz. While pushing I noticed a pain in my left side and it really freaked me out but the midwifes calmed me down but when it came to deliver the placenter it broke up and had to be taken to theatre to have the rest manually removed. We think the pain I had was an issue with the placenter, I lost 1.25l of blood and had a spinal for theatre.  Very strange feeling having no feeling in your legs, I was taken to recovery and then to the ward around 2am. We spent 2 days in hospital and then where aloud  home. 6 days in and we are all doing well, I had a 2nd degree internal tear too so have stitches but it's not to sore. X