pumping exclusively or breastfeeding

Samantha • Mama of a 3 little girls ❤️
Does anybody on here exclusively pump because their LO won't take to breastfeeding? My baby had a great latch from day one and had 0 problems for the first 3 days. Our second night home she refused to take my boob(I was told something inaccurate which made her resist and not want to eat off my breast) and I had to pump and give her a bottle. I hated it but she was screaming and wouldn't calm down. We saw a lactational specialist the next day at her doctors appointment and was introduced to the nipple shield. It was working great for a few days, but now she's pretty much refusing to take my boob and just wants a bottle. I have many resources around me I could use to potentially help fix this problem but I'm sort of just trying to convince myself pumping is just as good as breastfeeding.. but part of me is sad because I want that connection with my LO that a bottle won't give me. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Did you end up breastfeeding or stopping completely and pumping? I'm so confused and don't know what I should do.. I don't want to give up but if the problem is unfixable I don't want to keep putting us both through all the crying and stress.