Feeling Discouraged and Scared

So here is the backstory: I'm 25, I'm in a wonderful relationship with my bf of 2 months, we aren't actively trying to have a baby, but we talked about it and if it happened now then we would be happy.

I have had a few "pregnancy scares" in the past, and they were always negative. I just always thought I was lucky to not be pregnant by someone who I wasn't in love with. But 2 years ago, I had a miscarriage, I was 2 1/2 months, I didn't even know I was pregnant till it happened. I was completely broken, I fell in to severe depression and gained a lot of weight. I have always wanted kids, I just wanted to do it the right way.

So now fast forward to 2017, I have lost 70 lbs, and no longer take my antidepressants. I am completely in love with my bf, and want a family with him. But this month I'm already on 5 days past my period, I'm never late, and I have taken 3 tests, all negative. I can't stop thinking back to all my other negative tests. All the times I should have been pregnant, but never was. I'm worried something is wrong with me. I'm due for my yearly pap, but I'm so scared to find out if there might be something wrong with me.

I want a family, I want to experience being a mommy. I just don't know how to feel about all this 😔