It bothers me that my fiance likes younger women....

I don't know. I think its superficial. Yes when you are young you feel adored and valued by these men but what happens when you begin to age which is inevitable. If he only values youth what is keeping him with you when you get older?

There's a 9 year age difference between us. He's 9 years older. I didn't plan it that way. I mean I don't discriminate. I date young , my age, or older. It's all about the connection. When he told me that if I were older than him he wouldn't date bothered me. I thought " damn you are an ageist".

Alot of men are like this. If a woman is older and hot WTF would you discriminate? I think its wrong!!! Afterall alot of men divorce their wives later in life. I think the median divorce age is mid to late 30s. Do you really want to be considered worthless when you are an older woman???

I have always admired older women and I think it's BS. Afterall one day we will ALL be older women.