2 Years and 2 miscarriages

Ember • #ProudMom of a Preemie 🤱🏼Calvin Brady 1-18-18 🤱🏼 Rainbow Baby 👫+ 👉🏻👌🏼= 🌈👶🏼 Here for emotional support & to provide it for others
Obviously from previous posts it's pretty accurate that I am pregnant now, but I still decided to take 4 more tests last night due to my first OBGYN appointment today and I just still felt like I was in disbelief. I have never seen a positive show up on a pregnancy test until now. So I'm very excited lol. By the time I had found out about my last two pregnancies it was too late. I couldn't give them a fighting chance. I love them and I miss them though I never met them or held them. They are still right here in my heart. So this pregnancy does not for one moment take any shine away from them. I just wanted to tell people alittle about my story. 2014 I was involved in a very absusive relationship, I received broken bones, loss of weight, concussions and was held captive for 2 months. Due to the emotional distress my body went through. I lost the baby.. when I found out I was having a miscarriage I was called a liar. Was told I was never pregnant and I was just having a bad period. That relationship ended when he broke my nose and gave me a concussion. Fast forward, I am now engaged to a very loving man, he treats me in a way that I've never seen any other women treated. He comforts me and is my other half. We had a miscarriage in October due to once again stress. We were living with his parents and his siblings girlfriend was a drug addict who was horrible to me. She was constantly starting drama. After this last incident about a month ago we left and moved out. Not
long after we got engaged we found out that I am pregnant. 6 weeks and 2 days, it's the longest I've ever been. 2 years of trying and not understanding what was going on. I thought last month was just extremely hard on me because I was supposed to be 9 months pregnant and come to find out we've been given another chance at our little rainbow baby. I just want any women out there who is struggling to know this. There are more people like you. There are more people like me and others who have been trying for 9-10 years and are just now getting pregnant. Don't give up, continue to push forward! I did💕