vaginal bleeding 10 weeks pregnant

So I don't ever write on here but there is always a first time for everything. I'm not even quite sure where to begin with this but I'm 19 years old I've had two pregnancies before this one so this will be my third I am only 10 weeks pregnantright now . with my first pregnancy I was young and had a miscarriage at six weeks and three days. my second pregnancy I was unhealthy and had to have an abortion at 18 weeks and four days my boyfriend and I decided to try again so this baby was planned down to the T. today I took a shower and suddenly felt a rush of warm water which I thought I pissed on myself I'm not even going to lie I looked down and I was bleeding I hysterically started to cry because I was alone in the house and my boyfriend was at work I tried to call him but couldn't reach him and decided to call 911 dispatcher's came and got me sent me to the nearest hospital where they informed me that there was vaginal bleeding around the sac of the baby and I am 10 weeks pregnant they said that the babies heart rate was perfectly fine and that my cervix was closed but I am experiencing heavy bleeding I don't so much have cramps but I am extremely concerned and in need of some serious advice I don't know anyone who has experienced this in my family or friends so if anybody can reach out to me and share a little bit of their experience to ease my mind please do I'm extremely depressed and don't want to stress anymore than I already have. I still suffer from PTSD do to the lose of my son (second pregnancy) and can't handle the thought of losing another baby .