Sprintec 28 and nausea


Hi! I've been on sprintec 28 for 3 months since I experienced a loss in march. For the first month and a half I had a "period" every two weeks and then they stopped. This was while I was taking active pills and the sugar pills at the end of the pack. I've missed a couple of days here and there and taken it late more than a couple of times. That made me suspicious when I started having nausea this past week, coupled with waking up to puke this morning, puking this weekend, and staying near the toilet the rest of the time. I don't even remember my morning sickness with my last PG being this terrible. I've had food aversions and a period without a period (cramps on one side and back aches, "wet" feeling but it's cm not af) and I've been playing off how mean I've been because of the birth control. But of course, I went out and took a test and it was super negative and I have terrible line eyes. I thought my body would be used to the pill by now but can new side effects just pop up? I haven't taken the pill before and it's all new to me. I just know how I felt when I was pregnant and it's exactly how I feel now 😢