Have you ever used this to get pregnant? And did it wok?

Rebecca • Becca🌹

I went to the health food store(a store that only sells organic foods and vitamins and supplements)and i asked the guy if they had anything for regulating hormones and irregular periods. He said YES. He showed ne this and he said that it not only regulates irregular periods but it also helps with numerous other things such as...

PMS , AnOvulation ,(basically regulates imbalanced hormones)Estrogen Dominance Low, Progesterone Levels, and PCOS .

I an currently taking clomid 50mg. Its my 3rd round and i think if i don't get pregnant this month I'm going to talk to my doctor about switching treatments. Im thinking about taking this ON TOP of clomid.I was searching on Pinterest for TTC and i ran across an article about "chaste berry" helping get pregnant. Have you tried it or heard of it...and has it worked for you or a friend?

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