Wishful Thinking?


Hi ladies! This is my first ever post but I've been actively reading and logging as my boyfriend and I have been ttc. I stopped my bc 2 months ago, and according to Glow, AF was due today. I've been charting my BBT and it's kind of all over the place so I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated. I took an opk on Jun 21 and I got a faint line, but I read that it has to be dark to mean ovulation. Then I was having weird symptoms like sore nipples, increased appetite, and extreme fatigue so I took a PT on the 29th, which was negative.

According to the app, I am 12 dpo, and AF is due today but I haven't gotten it. Also, I had a large amount of white creamy cm as well. I'm just really confused what's going on with me. What do you guys think I should do??