Pregnancy after leep

Stephanie👑 • 36 old mama to 3 gorgeous princesses, hoping to get hubby on board for number 4!

Hi ladies! Sorry if this is long winded!

Back in march I had a cone biopsy/leep procedure done, which came back as high grade dysplasia. At my post-op, my dr said she was pretty confident she got it all and hopefully my next pap would be clear. We are planning to start trying for baby #3 in August. Coincidentally, my fertile week should be starting the same day as my follow up pap appt. I'm a nervous wreck and I go back and forth between deciding to try before getting results back and waiting until I hear from her, which means I'll likely miss getting pregnant in August. I guess I'm just looking for advice/stories from women who have been through a similar situation. I've been warned of the potential risks of pregnancy after leep, but said there was a good chance everything would be ok.

Just want to add that my initial abnormal pap was in early September 2016 and took until march 2017 to have the whole process completed, which is why I'm leaning toward trying regardless of pap results. This would be my last pregnancy, as I have two daughters, already.