Pride over exercise.


I personally do not like the size and weight I am and never have. I've been bullied because of it and I like working out alone because of it. My boyfriend and I wanna start eating healthy, but he doesn't like eating vegetables and fruit so he wants me to work out with him to make it even. I really want to, but I personally overthink what he will think when I work out since I'm not the fittest person and he's in the Army so he has to do PT every day. I know he won't judge me, but in the back of my mind I feel like he will and it just scares me. I'm never able to keep up with a healthy lifestyle because of this. He doesn't wanna change his ratting habits if I don't change my exercise habits. I think I'm just looking for some advice or support.

This is on my birthday 6-17-17. At first I loved this picture because it's like the only good picture we have, but now I just see my flaws...