I was induced at 39 weeks due to baby being big and my OB going out of town 3 days after I was induc...

I was induced at 39 weeks due to baby being big and my OB going out of town 3 days after I was induced (she wanted to be the one to deliver since I was high risk). Pitocin was started at 8:30 am and my contractions didn't get bad until around 11/12. The anesthesiologist came in before then and told me an epidural was not an option due to my previous spine surgery. They didn't want to risk going through bone and puncturing the dura and leaking spinal fluid. Contractions continued and I was having bad back labor. I got in the tub and had the jets on and it helped a bit. About 5 minutes after I got out my water broke and contractions got a whole lot worse. The nurses had me try different positions to try to get baby to turn so I wouldn't have back labor and that was even more painful feeling her turn. Finally I begged for some sort of pin relief and they gave me IV pain relief that didn't help with contractions just helped me calm down between them. By 2pm I was exhausted and contractions were very close together. I was screaming in pain and I feel bad for anyone in the birthing center😂 my body knew when to push and they had to try to get me to stop since I was only at an 8. Shortly after that I started liking which was not fun. The doctor came in and we started pushing. About an hour and a half of pushing and my little was here! I had a 2nd degree perineal tear, a cervical tear and a tear on my labia. While she was trying to stitch me up I hemmoraged and lost 1/3 of my blood. The pain was so worth it. My body knew what to do and if I was numb I think it would have taken a lot longer. The ring of fire is real 😂 Brinley Josephine was born at 4:20 on 6-12-17 and weighed 8lbs 10oz.