Am I pregnant?!


On the 16th I went to the Dr.'s office for abnormal checkup, knowing I had pregnancy symptoms and no period for 2 months. I was supposed to be 6 weeks, they said I was miscarrying. They said it would pass on its own. On the 18th of June I had the miscarriage. Normal bleeding occurred, with heavy cramps. Bleed for awhile, light bleeding till last Wednesday - Saturday I bleed heavy with clots passing. Nothing too alarming, but just a lot of blood.

By yesterday, the bleeding stopped completely but all pregnancy symptoms are slightly coming back. I have tender boobs, just moderate. I feel constipated and gassy, but I do suffer from IBS. I don't feel nauseous, or too much fatigue.

I had sex a week after miscarrying but he did not ejaculate inside me since I was still bleeding. We had sex a few times since this because I felt fine, but no ejaculation was done inside me. I did just start a new BC, but I know it takes awhile for that to kick in.

Could I be pregnant again?