Losing hope


We are on our 15th month of trying 😣 I never could have imagined it would be this difficult to become pregnant. I have always pictured myself being a mom since I was a little girl. I realize that many women have been struggling a lot longer but the hurt is still the same. every month negative results. doctor appointment after doctor appointment. tests, ultrasounds, blood work, clomid, pre-seed, prenatals, all natural remedies, anything. I have really good days where I'm okay and an attitude like it will all work out, maybe next month. but then I keep seeing announcement after announcement and I become so depressed thinking, why can't that be us. it also doesn't help that I work for an an OBGYN so I'm always seeing pregnant ladies coming in with their husbands so excited. right after we started trying both my sister-in-laws weren't even trying and became pregnant within 3 weeks of each other. so of course they have that bond and their kids will be so close. it's especially hard at family get-togethers. both of their children are around 4 months now so it's been a little easier now that the excitement of them being pregnant together is over. 3 months ago my sister got married and just announced she is 14 weeks pregnant with twins. again another piece of my heart breaks. I am beyond happy for a this new journey in her life but I'm still like why not my husband and I? we are not close like we used to be and so it's hard for me to talk to her about my struggle. she doesn't understand. she just says well I can't help I got pregnant and you didn't. I am beginning to lose hope again and my husband doesn't understand why I get so upset or put so much worry into other people's lives and announcements. I am trying to put all my trust and faith in God because he is the holder of everything but I am just at a loss 😔