Parents won't go to my wedding

So I'm getting married in September.

When me and my fiance first got together he came over to my moms house to come see me, he saw how bad the house was and how my mom treated me.

(the house was covered in mold and animal feces and i was basically her slave i had to do everything) he asked me if I wanted to come live with him, i said yes.

My mom got pissed at him, so did my dad.

My dad's a truck driver so he's never around.

My mom and dad said that he took me away from them.

Which he didn't.

It was my choice.

Well they were pissed off and my dad said well if you marry him I won't walk you down the isle and give you away. (That hurt)

My mom said that no one would be at our wedding and she won't be there.

So as of right now we're getting married in a courthouse because nobody wants to go because my family is telling people lies about him.

It hurts that my own parents won't be at my wedding....

Any advise on how to deal with this? Because i'm very upset about it. :(