OPK help PLEASE!!!!

Ivey • Married 6/11/2016 ❤️ Childless Not By Choice 🌸 Mom of Fur Babies 🐶🐱

Okay, so I have been testing with easy@home ovulation strips. I try to test about the same time every day. The test lines have been about the same, one after the other or getting darker as my cycle progresses. I missed a day two days ago on CD 10, which was only three days after my period ended. Yesterday, I tested, but the line wasn't dark enough to be positive, so I waited for it to be the same color as the control line. Tested last night and the test line was also faint, but I assumed it was just because it was late and I'd had a lot of fluids. Also I looked at the old test strip from yesterday and the line was finally as dark as the control, but that was LONG after the five minute span for when I'm supposed to look at the tests.

I don't understand why the strips are starting to get so light and I'm worried I may have (but it doesn't seem likely) missed my LH surge.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I do check CM and only started getting it again a few days ago. It has not come out clear. It's been more on the creamy side.