Torn between staying or running


So, I have to BEG my husband for sex and attention.

I went on a cleaning strike, and now I regret it because instead of him seeing the mess and taking the initiative, he didn't even notice and did nothing. So now I'm deep cleaning the house.

I'm CONSTANTLY crying and feel so hideous and repulsive.

I've put everything I have into this marraige and family and I've got NOTHING to show for it.

I love him, yes. But I am so TIRED. I wish he'd just do the simple things I ask and want me, but all he has shown me is he doesn't give a crap at all.

I don't want to deal with a divorce and custody, and I definitely don't want to start all over again.

But I cannot keep doing this. And I've talked to him about this a multitude of times. His actions never change.

I need seriously good advice and support. I have no one to talk to about it. 😢😟