The Rant.

I haven't been trying to get pregnant for very long so half of me feels I am not justified in speaking for the scores of women that have been trying to have a baby for years but the other half of me is so annoyed at things I've been seeing and reading that I just had to get this out! 
*Things NOT to say to a woman trying to concieve a child* 
"Here, you can have mine. They are such a pain." 
"Just foster." 
Why didn't you just foster? You've got like, 4 kids? Surely they weren't all accidents, you could have stopped at some point and directed your love "towards places it's needed." 
I think this is the worst. 
You are branded selfish for trying, yet if you've already got a child you are magically exempt from having to give back to the community (fostering) 
Now before anyone goes apesh*t at me, I'm not putting fostering down. Fostering a child is an amazing, beautiful experience for everyone involved and the world does need more foster carers.
But I'm sick of the only people being urged to foster are those having trouble conceiving! 
"It took me a few months to get pregnant, so I know exactly what you are going through" (says a lady with 5 kids) 
No. No you don't. Go away. 
So. Angry. Today.