I don't know what to do anymore...

Hey girls, here comes my story. I met my husband online, he was in the USA and I was in my country Portugal. When we first met in person, I found out he was still talking (sexting) to other girls from Portugal. I got really upset and asked him to stop doing that. He said he did. He went back to the US and we had plans to meet each other again a few months later, this time I would fly to his country. But meanwhile, I found him in a dating website (I decided to Google his name and that's how I found it). I called him and I was decided to put and end on our relationship. He begged me to forgive him and said he would never do that again. Ok. I was stupid in love so I forgave him once again. A few months later I moved to the US so we could be together. We lived together for 11 months and then he proposed and a few weeks later we got married. A couple months after the wedding I was in the living room waiting for him to get home from work and I saw his car arriving but he never came inside. So I decided to go outside to check if it was really him. And when I got closer tinte car I saw that he was texting some other girl from Portugal... I got so pissed that I didn't even say anything to him. I just got my stuffs and called an Uber to pick me up. He was calling me all day long and all I did was ignore him. But at the end of the day I called him so he could pick me up. And then he told me he was sex addicted and that's the reason why he was sexting those girls. Because only porn wasn't enough to him, he needed the "real life" thing. And he was tôo ashamed to tell me that but now that he did he wouldn't do it ever again. And I told him that if I caught him again I would get a divorce. I got him a new phone and phone number so he could delete everything from the "past" and start all over again. Ok. Guess what? Last month I found out that he was still using his old phone and phone number to text another GIRLS (always girls from Portugal, little detail that made me even more pissed about it) and that this phone got bad and he even bought another phone so he could keep doing that (he used to leave the phone at work so I wouldn't know about it). Anyway, I got my car and left the house and I was already looking for a lawyer so I could get a divorce or an annulment. He was trying to call me all day long and left several voice mails crying asking for a last chance to talk to me in person. I ended up getting back to him but I was feeling I'm the dumbest person alive and I also don't trust him at all. I have no friends or family around that I could talk to about everything that is going on. Everything is fine now but I got alittle bit paranoid about it. I love him and he is the only person I have here. What would you girls do? I need some advice.