Chloè's Birth Story

Teesha • ✨Trying To Conceive My First Child ✨

I am just in awe of his little human that came from inside of me. Not knowing I was going to meet her earlier then expected. She was 33 weeks when I had to have an emergency c-section. It was June 5th and I was going in for my regular check up. Since I am diabetic I have to go in twice a week every week once I was 30 weeks. So I go in and think it's going to be a a regular check up. Once I was put on the heart monitor Chloè's heart rate was vey elevated, bpm ranging around 166-177 and this was alarming to my doctor. Even after drinking cold water, turning side to side her heart rate stayed elevated. So I was sent to the hospital to labor and delivery so they can monitor her more.

From there they kept monitoring her heart rate. I was giving IVs for fluid and as well for an insulin drop due to my sugars being slightly elevated. So her heart was still elevated so they decided to admit me for the night to see how her heart rate goes a time. Then I think around 9:40pm her heart rate dropped down to 70 bpm and the nurses and doctor rushed in, flipped me to the other side and placed an oxygen mask on to try and help her with supplying oxygen to her. This frightened me because it happened so quick. So I stayed this was for about 45 minutes and I was able to take the mask off.

Following that even, the nurses kept having to flip me because her heart was still elevated. Around 10:45pm the doctor came and told me i was going to meet my little girl sooner then planned. He told me it was safer to have her out of my belly then in. So he was going to perform a c-section and they have 15mins to prep me. In my mind everything was going in circles. This is my first pregnancy, at the time I was 23 (now 24 due to my birthday was June 28 ☺️) and my mom who was going to be there now couldn't because she lives an hour and 30 minutes away. She wouldn't make it in time. So thankfully my best friend didn't leave the hospital so she was there with me for the c-section.

Now while they prep me, I had to get A catheter, the worst feeling, then I was sent to the operating room to have the anesthesiologist do their thing and around 12:38am June 6th my baby girl was born! At 4lbs 10oz... the first thing the doctors said was "look at all that hair!" lol she has the most beautiful black hair! She was in the NICU for a week and was able to move to their continuing care nursery and was there until June 26, two days before my birthday! I'd payed she be home by then and was blessed with the best gift of taking her home. She's been a blessing and I love being her mother! For her to have been almost 2 months early she's doing phenomenally!

Today marks a month for her! She's now 6lbs 2ozs ❤