20+ days of my period😩

Dinay 💅🏾💋💦♈️ • I`m fun, loving, & caring but don`t take it for granted.

I have had Nexplanon for a little more than 2 years now & when I say it has been the worst but most preventative contraceptive out! Worst?! Yeah, worst because my cycles have not been the same since I got the implant. I originally got it for my heavy cycles. . Worst come to worst it not only prolonged my 5 day regular period, but made it irregular to where I have had months like this. . & to put the icing on the worst cake ever, I haven't been one of those lucky ones to NOT have her period. . Anyone else experienced this before? Sex life is awesome too. . (Completely sarcasm there) 😩😩 I want another form of BC after this is up in May because has been a disaster but I'm scared. Any suggestions cause obviously my doctor wasn't no help being that she "advised" me to stay on & stick it out.