Ectopic pregnancy



I wanted to share my story because I went crazy googling all my symptoms and what I found is that everyone has a different outcome. I just wanted to share in case anyone is looking. I found out I was pregnant 4 days before my missed period. Everything appeared to be going well but at 4.4 weeks I started spotting brown and everything I read said brown spotting is normal so I kept track of it and didn't worry. Most of the time it was small spotting it would only increase if i did alot of walking. I wasnt experiencing nausea or fatigue i only felt small cramps at times, i had sensitive breast and very bad bloating. I just didnt feel pregnant but all my test were positive and I tested alot 😁 thanks to Amazon lol. At my 7 week appointment my midwife ran labs on me because of the spotting. My results were 14k hCG and 6 progesterone, she stated my hCG levels were fine but my progesterone was low so I was placed on over the counter progesterone cream and asked I take it easy. Two days later on a Friday evening my brown spotting turned red. It wasn't heavy but it was there and I had period cramping that got pretty strong at times. Saturday I stayed in bed all day hoping it would stop. Sunday early morning I decided to go to the ER, I got an ultrasound and the technician reported they saw a gestational sac measuring 5.5 weeks they were sure it wasn't ectopic. They put me on bed rest and diagnosed me with a threaten miscarriage. I returned to my midwife Tuesday to recheck my levels. She read the notes from the ER and stated that because they only saw a gestational sac and no fetal pole I might have a blighted ovum, she asked that if the bleeding got heavier and I had pain to go to the ER but that never happened. After Tuesday the bleeding stop along with the cramping, again I had no pregnancy symptoms other than the tender breast and bloating. I had very mild naseua but it was super mild never threw up and i still didnt feel pregnant. Friday i had a sonogram scheduled, Obgyn stated there was nothing in my uterus but he did see a mass in one of my tubes, he was concerned because my levels went up from 14k to 28k and estrogen to 10. He stated he couldn't do much because it was a Friday and a holiday weekend he asked me to return Wednesday to once again check my levels and repeat sonogram. He asked if i expirienced pain to call his office and go to the ER, still no pregnancy symptoms other than my breast. Spotting stopped completely and no cramps at all. Wednesday once again my levels went up and once again he saw a mass he wasn't entirely sure where the mass was or what it was so he asked that i have no food or water after midnight. Today he stated my levels went up again so I was scheduled for surgery the same day. He discovered an ectopic pregnancy in my right tube he stated the tube was about to rupture but he believes it will heal on its own. Worst case scenario once it heals it will have a blockage but he's hoping it heals well. Best of luck to all the ladies experiencing spotting or weird symptoms.

Fingers crossed for my rainbow baby.