Anyone have some Potty training advice??

Okay so I'm going to apologize before hand cause this will probably be a little long, poorly written, and maybe even confusing. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted.


My daughter is almost 2. Her birthday is September 1st. We have been working with her for a few months now with transitioning into the potty training stage. For example trying to get her to tell us when she has to potty and showing her where the potty is and how to use it. The basics. I don't want her to feel forced into doing something she not ready for so I try not to make a huge deal out of it but I do tell her to let me know if she has to pee and ask her if she has to potty every couple hours or so. Or when I'm changing her diaper I'll talk to her about how she should try to pee in the potty. She was doing good with telling me after she had peed that she peed but then she stopping telling me anything and just started ripping her diapers off and peeing and pooping on the floor. She will stand right next to her potty and pee but won't sit down on it and when I try to get her to sit on it she throws a fit. I've even tried holding her on the big potty and she won't have it. Idk how to get her to start sitting on the potty and stop squatting all over the house.

How should I handle this? I don't want her to be scared to use the potty.