What do you say?

So I was at my nephew's middle school track meet this evening and right in front of us was a couple with a little girl about 4 or 5 maybe 3, she was little and another adult woman friend. Now I am not sure how the child was acting but the man kept grabbing her face and hanging her upside down by her legs. And at first I thought they were playing but then I could see she was crying and frustrated. She trying to hit him back and kept telling him to stop but he kept bothering her. He wasn't really hurtin her, just annoying her and she was crying. It was about 8pm so she was probably tired and maybe hungry, so cranky. Anyways the women in their group were chuckling at him and would coddle the little girl at the same time. I felt his behavior was not good, making little girls cry makes me uncomfortable, but as I do not have children and I am not around them much or parents I didn't really know what to say or if it would be appropriate to judge someone else's parenting, especially since I don't know the whole story, just what I saw in the 5 mins we were sitting there. What do you think I could have said or done?