Clomid Help Please!


Hi beautiful ladies! I am going to be starting my first round of Clomid soon and I'm really excited/nervous/all the emotions!! I'd love to hear if anyone has had either a success story with Clomid and/or what kind of side effects you had. I have hypothalamic amenorrhea and I haven't had a period in 2 years. Both my previous doctors didn't seem all that worried about it which REALLY frustrated me because A) I KNOW not having a cycle is abnormal and not healthy and B) I'm trying to get pregnant and they would just keep telling me to wait and keep TTC for a year before they'd send me to a fertility specialist. I can't even TTC without having a period or ovulating. I finally got a new doctor yesterday and he was appalled and said something should have been done ages ago, before I was ever even trying, to get my period back. I've gained 20lbs in the past year to try and get my cycle back (I was very lean before).