Feel myself becoming cold hearted and emotionless


So my whole pregnancy I've been let down and torn down by my daughter father. I am 36 weeks and 6 days and I can pretty much go into labor anytime soon. I asked my child's father to give me money to help pay for something's for our daughter and he never gave me the money but out in strip clubs etc spending money like he doesn't have a child to take care of. now that it's July and that it's my due date month he is making up excuses saying he doesn't have a car. to try not to come to the hospital for the birth of his child after he has told me he wasn't that type of person not to come. I just don't understand what I've possibly done to deserve all this constant hurt back to back. I've tried to be nice to him even after he told me to kill my daughter sell her for 33,000 dollars and other hurtful things EVEN making 2 other kids on me while I'm pregnant and he was staying at my house!!! At this point I just don't even know how to feel Right now. I think I just wanna go ahead and put him on child support and not let him see her when she's born. I just refuse to have my daughter go through what I had to go through with my dad being inconsistent and treating me different from his other kids. What do you guys think is the best thing for me to do ?