Yay! I'm Ovulating! I have been working SO HARD to track my fertility!

Natalie • ~*♡*~ Natalie ~*♡*~ ♡ natalieddavis(at)comcast.net ♡ 36/California

Yay! I finally, FINALLY got a positive/peak fertility LH test and a raw/egg white cervical mucus smear sample! I have been tracking for three cycles now since discontinuing birth control due to my age and some blood clotting, and I am using the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> with FAM (Fertility Awareness Method), the OvaCue <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Fertility Tracker</a> and OvaGraph.com, and the iBasal FDA approved basal thermometer with a subscription to the FDA approved Natural Cycles app and lastly the Ava <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Fertility Tracker</a>. (Plus OPK tests and a Fertile-Focus Saliva Ferning Microscope).

It came as a big surprise - and a frightening one too, to find out my hormonal contraceptive was causing blood clotting. I'm engaged though and in a long-term relationship and hopefully a marriage eventually, but right now we just *cannot afford* to get pregnant. We're 30 and 38 and we're stuck back at home with my mother for now. She would go bananas if I got pregnant because we don't believe in abortion in our family.

So I've been working my butt off, tracking and tracking and tracking just about everything there is possible to track with every tracking device there that has a good reputation. Cycle 1 was very irregular from just having quit birth control. Cycle 2 my ovulation came late and it confused my fertility trackers. I ended up having to take emergency contraception. And then this month, it's reporting a regular cycle and I finally saw the raw egg white mucus for the first time as well as ferning in my microscope, and then I just got a peak fertility test from a Clearblue Digital Advanced OPK tester!

And the last time we had unprotected sex was on the 26th, so I am in the SUCCESS category right now for doing drugless birth control! I'm really proud of myself! So on the 10th I'll be in my luteal phase and no more relying on just oral sex, abstinence and withdrawing combined with spermicide ;)

By the way, if anyone else out there is doing home birth control/drugless birth control/natural family planning/fertility awareness method and needs a little help or wants to ask some questions, ask me to message you in the comments and then just send me a follow. Wow! I'm so proud of myself :D