So we got to the hospital at about 11:45 on Tuesday night to check in for the induction

So we got to the hospital at about 11:45 on Tuesday night to check in for the induction. Got to the room and checked and I was still only 1cm dilated. At 2am, my nurse started pitocin. Contractions started, but they weren't too painful yet. I got checked at 7am and I was only 2cm so I was dilating very slowly. My dr came to the hospital to check on me at 9:30am and I was only at 3cm by then, but she broke my water to see if that would speed things up a little. My contractions started to get worse but i didn't want to get an epidural yet. I lasted until about 2pm before I couldn't take the pain of the contractions anymore. They were intense and only 1-3 mins apart. Once I got the epidural I was able to rest for a little while which was much needed!! By 4:45pm I was almost at 7cm so things seemed to be speeding up a bit. By 9:30pm I was 9cm and and 90% effaced so I was getting excited. At about 1am I was finally fully dilated so we started pushing. Pushed for 2 hours with very little progress and the epidural was wearing off so the pain was very bad, i didn't think I'd be able to go on anymore. My nurse and the anesthesiologist agreed that I needed to rest so he gave me another dose of something in my epidural. After that I was able to sleep for about an hour. At 4am I woke up and we decided it would be good to start pushing again. Pushed for an hour with little progress. My dr arrived at the hospital at about 4:45am and gave me 2 options. I could either get a csection or she could use forceps to help him out. I decided to go with the forceps since I really did not want a csection. As my dr was getting ready for that, about 7 other nurses and doctors came in the room to help out. I was so scared that I started to cry. She told me that she would try with the forceps for 3 contractions and if that didn't work, I'd have to get a csection. First contraction came along and I pushed as hard as I possibly could and at 5:03am (first contraction with forceps) he was out and on my chest. It was a very long and traumatic process, but so worth it. My little baby is perfect and healthy and I couldn't be more in love. 
Got a 3rd degree tear and while I was being sewn up, the nursing student that was helping passed out and my husband had to catch her. While she went down, she ripped one of my stitches. Ouch! At least I was numb.