Carter's born

Taylor • 21 Mama to an angel 👼 Mommy to a little boy Ttc baby #3

Hey guys so I figured I'd share my birth story. I was originally due July 11 2017 but he decided to have other plans. July 6 I had a doctors appointment and was checked and I was 2cm dilated but everything looked good they set my next appointment for the day after my due date. July 7th came along and I was woken out of my sleep at 6:00am and I knew that I was in labor my water had not broken but I was having contractions 5minutes apart lasting 20-30 seconds long. An hour past and I told my husband we have to go to the hospital I got to the hospital and it was 8am when I was checked in i was 4cm dilated 100% effaced so they admitted me I was moved to labor and delivery suite and I was 5cm dilated and decided to get an epidural. My left side wasn't as numb as my right side so they tried flipping me but it didn't work. His head ended up getting stuck in the birth canal so I had to go to the OR and get a c-section. I was terrified it wasn't something I was planning or wanted. But I'm glad he's safe and sound and healthy. Baby boy came out 8lbs 3oz 20inches long