Creepy sister in law *update*

So first off thank you all for keeping me laughing so hard tears just rolled down my face! Actually last night I was rereading the what you ladies had replied & decided to show my husband. He's creeped out from all the catfish and voodoo replies lol and told me that he would see what is going on & why.....

First just to answer a few questions no I've never given her any pictures of just me. Always found it creepy.

She's never taken any of the family or couple pictures I've offered and now am quite thankful.

Idk if she thinks I'm pretty but I do believe i have more confidence in myself. Not putting her down but I'm in my 30's and she's in her 20's & she dresses more like a grandma. Which makes her look much older than she is (again not trying put her down).

So here is what my husband found out. She had been using my picture assuming it's off my fb on a dating site called meet me): Which makes sense why she was always asking for "new" pictures of me and now after thinking about it she asked why i don't do selfies alone it makes sense. My husband was so angry that she has been using my pictures and truthfully so am I it's werid and creepy almost would of been happier with voodoo no lies!

But this is what I've decided to do. One make it extremely clear to her that she should of never put my pix as her own.

But I also decided to offer a makeover from head to toe on me if she promised to NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN!

She just needs some self-confidence and I'm hoping this helps her with that!

btw I'm staying anonymous because a couple of my co workers showed this app to me and I'm just not ready for all that lol

thank you ladies