Okay ladies / gents / whoever.

I'm stressing so much which is horrible because I'm pregnant. For years I've thought about a kid but never thought it would be happening and so far I can't enjoy it because I'm so stressed. My boyfriend and I have been together for many years with our share of fall outs so around the time he and I were having sex ( he actually ya know .. inside ) we got into it and I had an affair with someone .. unprotected sex ( spare me the lectures I'm aware of my mistake ) anywho I came up pregnant and don't know who's the father. My boyfriend knows the situation and even though he was upset we believe it's his but still... what if it's not. The other guy pulled out but I of course know that doesn't stop someone from getting pregnant.

So I've been using all of the online calculators aware that they're estimates. I just would like other women's feedback. My period is irregular to begin with and by irregular I mean 22days apart at the absolute most maybe 24 days. My LMP was on May 7th and around that time after my period I had sex with my boyfriend - however on the 22nd of may I had the affair and by June 5th found out I was pregnant. I went to the doc but of course based off of my LMP I'm 8weeks and 6days. I try to tell myself that because my period is irregular there's a chance of it being my boyfriends im just so nervous because what if it's that other possibility it isn't. Someone help.