Am ithe only one?

I read that 85-90% of people conceive their first year of trying. My first years been and gone, I'm on my third round of clomid, i am so tired of being poked by needles, remarks about my weight, being told by my partner I'm too fat to get pregnant maybe. I've had remarks by a friend saying "I got pregnant 3 months and 6 months of trying, be glad you can't get pregnant so easily". Sick of posing on sticks every month and thinking oh there's a tiny little line and then AF shows. My partner is making remarks about how the problems are all with me because "he can knock someone up in one night" I go to gynaecologist appointments and come out with no more knowledge than I went in! I keep saying "this time next year we will have a baby or I'll be pregnant" and the year comes and goes. My partner never gets involved and it's all about his other child and I feel like it's how it would be if we had one because he said that his first child will always be the most important because of being first born. I feel like a failure of a woman and I feel like at this rate I'll never get pregnant